Saturday, March 10, 2012

Giveaway! =)

 I've recently added new Facebook and Blog pages, those of you who like my facebook, comment on my facebook, and/or comment on my blog will receive one entry each for total of 3 to win a $25 gift certificate for my shop.  Contest will end April 30th and  winner will be chosen at random from entries on May 1st.  All entries/shares must be posted to my blog or they will not be counted.  Thanks!


  1. I posted your FB page to my friends, and liked your page. Hope you get tons more fans!

    Karyn B

  2. Will head over... here's to the success of your new yarn shop! I love yarn and fiber, but have no clue how to knit or crochet.... sure wish I paid better attention when my Grandmother tried to teach me. But I was so young then and didn't appreciate her talents like I would now!

    1. Hi, I felt the same way when I started to knit...the yarn was so pretty but the idea of knitting seemed a bit overwhelming to me. I actually don't knit much myself now either as I spend my time spinning which I love...=) If you are really interested in knitting, there are lots of videos on youtube which teach some of the beginner steps for knitting/crocheting. They are very useful and easy to follow. I actually used to refer to them a lot when I first started out knitting as they really help when you forget small details, like how to cast on..O_o Anyway, please feel free to ask me questions also should you decide to learn and would like some extra pointers. =)

  3. beautiful yarn you have in your shop. particularly like Grape Vine

  4. Hi Eleanor!

    thank you for visiting my Etsy store :) I am following your blog and FB page now. Maybe one of these days you would like to be a guest at my blog Looking forward to visit your blog often for updates!
    Karla :)

  5. Hi, I just liked your fb page and am following your blog as well...I like what you have in your shop so far..some really beautiful batts. =)
